Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Amazing Things You Didn’t Know About Your Pet Rabbit

You may know your rabbit better than anyone else, but rabbits are interesting animals and there are some interesting and fun facts about them that might surprise you. From their amazing senses to their smart personalities, there is so much to love about rabbits.

Rabbits Live on Every Continent Except Antarctica

Rabbits are loved around the world. In fact, they live on every continent except Antarctica. The breeds differ depending on where they live, but your furry friend has relatives all over.

Pet Rabbits Live Much Longer than Wild Rabbits

Your adopted rabbit has a lifespan of between eight and 10 years, which is much longer than his cousins who live in the wild. Wild rabbits have an average lifespan of only about one year.

Rabbits can Run as Fast as 56 Kilometres per Hour

While it probably comes as no surprise that rabbits are fast animals, you might be surprised at just how fast they can run: 56 kilometres per hour! This is in part due to their strong and powerful hind legs.

Rabbits Eat in Groups and Stand Guard

In the wild, rabbits eat in groups. While most of the rabbits are busy eating, one rabbit will stand guard, watching for danger. If he senses trouble, he thumps his feet to warn all the other rabbits.

The World’s Biggest Rabbit Weighs Almost 23 Kilograms and is Just Over 1 Meter Long

Darius, who lives with his owner in Worcester, England holds the Guinness World Record for the largest rabbit in the world. The huge rabbit likes to eat at the table and sit on his owner’s lap. He has a big appetite, eating a bowl of rabbit food, 12 carrots, two apples and half a cabbage every day.

There are About 50 Breeds of Rabbits Who call the United Kingdom Home

From large breeds to small breeds and from long-haired rabbits to short-haired rabbits, there are about 50 breeds of rabbits in the UK. These breeds vary greatly by looks and personality, and many of them make excellent pets.

The British Rabbit Council Invests in Rabbit Breeders

Did you know there is an entire organisation devoted to the well being of rabbits? It’s true! The British Rabbit Council has the mission of protecting and furthering the interest of British rabbit breeders. It also encourages research that finds ways to help and benefit rabbits.

A Rabbit’s Strongest Sense is his Eyesight

Rabbits have excellent senses, including hearing and smell, but their strongest sense is their eyesight. Amazingly, rabbits have almost 360 degree panoramic vision. This is especially helpful in the wild where rabbits need to avoid and run from predators.

Rabbits Have a “Happy Dance”

While your rabbit doesn’t wag his tail when he is happy, he does have another way of showing you he is in a good mood: his own “happy dance.” When a rabbit is happy, he binkies, or runs, jumps and then twists his body, flicking his feet.

Rabbits are the Third Most Common Furry Pet

We love our rabbits. In the UK, rabbits are the third most common kind of furry pet and in 2010, about one million pet rabbits called this country home. We just can’t resist those furry faces, cute little tails and fun personalities.

Pet Rabbits Can be Trained

Your rabbit can actually be trained to do things like jump over small hurdles and exercise. The most successful training techniques for rabbits are reward-based techniques.

A Rabbit’s Whisker and Nose are Nothing Short of Amazing

Have you ever noticed how long your rabbit’s whiskers are? They are generally as wide as the rabbit’s body, so he can feel his way around tunnels and underground burrows. Another amazing feature is his nose, which can twitch between 20 and 120 times per minute. It twitches faster when he is scared or excited.

Rabbits are truly amazing animals and deserve the best care possible. Feed your rabbit a healthy diet, provide a large and clean home for him, and groom him often to keep him happy and healthy. When your rabbit is well cared for, he will give back lots of love and devotion in return.