Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Your Rabbit Loves Timothy Hay - Here’s Why...

Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail; as children we grew up falling in love with rabbits.  As adults, it is even easier to love pet rabbits with their impatient thumps, general love of fun and a bit of tender reserve too.  Although your beautiful bunny loves you to bits, there is one thing they may love even more...  and that is timothy hay. 

It certainly sounds like a strange thing to love, until you consider how much dogs drool over a piece of steak, or you crave a cheesy slice of pizza or the curry from the shop down the road.  Okay, maybe your feelings for food are nowhere close to love, but for your rabbit, they might be.

Timothy Hay Is Bursting with Fibre

That is unlikely to evoke any celebration from you, but plenty of fibre is fantastic news for your rabbit.  Far more than simply being herbivores, rabbits fall into a special category of animals known as fibrevores.  Their entire digestive systems are created around the need for fibre.  Now, that is obviously because rabbits are ground animals and grasses (which are filled with fibre) are widely available at that level.

There are two different types of fibre – digestible and indigestible - and rabbits need both.  Fortunately, timothy hay is packed with both of these.  The two types of fibre work in tandem based on the two-part digestion system that all fibrevores have.  Indigestible fibre simply passes through the body, which enables it to work effectively and stimulates rabbits to continue munching on their timothy hay. 

Because rabbits cannot extract all the benefits of digestible fibre the first time it passes through their system, the second part of their digestive system involves an appendix like organ called the caecum.  This is where the digestible fibre heads once it has been broken down in the stomach.  Here, it ferments making it easier to extract the digestible fibre.  When ready, it is excreted in the form of caecotrophs, which look entirely different from a rabbit’s waste faeces.  Rabbits eat their caecotrophs; this time pulling all the goodness of the fibre within. 

And, the part about timothy hay that they love so much?  It has the right amount of both digestible and indigestible fibre which means rabbits will be as healthy as they can – just from eating the right food.

Timothy Hay Is Perfect for Oral Hygiene

Rabbits do not need to brush their teeth, but that does not mean they do not require dental attention.  After all, rabbits have teeth that continue to grow throughout their lives.  If these are not worn down, they simply sharpen into points.  And, as a rabbit attempts to chew with long, pointy teeth, they fold in on themselves, sticking into the gums.  It is hardly a pleasant picture, but fortunately, it is another one of the reasons that rabbits love their timothy hay.

Unlike other foods that could be given to rabbits, timothy hay is chewed differently.  Rather than chewing up and down, timothy hay is mashed from side to side in a rabbit’s mouth.  In doing this, they wear down their teeth appropriately, avoiding all the dangers associated with poor oral hygiene.  Even if they do not realise that timothy hay does this, rabbits simply love eating it.

Timothy Hay Has Some Lovely Side Benefits

Timothy makes a sensational addition to any rabbit home.  In fact, once you have the basics of a hutch and a run, all you need is some piles of timothy hay to dress the place.  Your rabbits love it because it is snuggly and warm.  It makes a delightful bed to crawl into, and offers an easy hiding place for rabbits (which they naturally feel the need to do when startled).  On top of that, timothy hay smells lovely.  It has a delicious meadow scent to it which wafts throughout the entire enclosure.  And that means you will visit your rabbit hutch more often because there are no awful smells putting you off.

And, when you are not around, showering your rabbit with affection, timothy hay can become a plaything.  Busy rabbits will move it around their hutch until it is just right.  They will happily shift it from side to side, just making it perfect – and possibly napping in it when they need a break.  And this is one food that you want your rabbit to play with as it truly keeps them entertained, and this is always preferable to chewing on the bars of their hutch.

When they are not feeling so playful, timothy hay can also help with those feelings.  A bit of hay in the mouth helps to soothe nervous rabbits.  This is crucial because rabbits become uncomfortable whenever they hear a sound they do not recognise, or a rat enters their garden.  Rabbits become skittish at the drop of a hat, and if timothy hay helps them to deal with that, then you should love it as much as they do. 

What You Need to Know about Feeding Your Rabbit Timothy Hay

Rabbits love their timothy hay, and you can feed them as much as they want.  It will never make them fat, nor will they ever over eat it.  One thing you need to do, though, is to make sure your rabbits have enough of it every day.  Each rabbit that you have needs a pile at least as large as himself to eat.  They will probably need a bit more to play with.  Figuring out how much your rabbits need every day can be a matter of trial and error.  Always start with too much and work your way down.  After all, rabbits need timothy hay as much as they love it.  Any other food that you provide for your rabbit should supplement their daily hay, not replace it.  And, if you do have a bunny who prefers the other food (however unlikely that is), then you need to be the one to make sure they grow to love their timothy hay the most.

For more information about feeding your rabbit timothy hay please visit the Burgess Excel website - http://www.burgesspetcare.co.uk/excelfeedingplan/

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